Tom Clancy's Rainbow Six: Lockdown is the fourth game in the Rainbow Six series. The initial design and PlayStation 2 version were developed by Red Storm Entertainment and the Xbox version was developed by the Ubisoft Montreal studio. Both are published by Ubisoft. The PlayStation 2, Xbox and Gamecube versions were released on September 8, 2005 and a version for Windows was released on February 16, 2006.
Lockdown is the first entry in the Rainbow Six series to feature graphics effects which includes normal mapping and specular lighting, as well as physics objects. Advanced graphics were available only on the PC version
Lockdown's gameplay is more action-oriented than that of its predecessors, and features a number of departures from the more tactical elements of the earlier games. As a result, gameplay is much closer to that of a generic first-person shooter, instead of the tactical shooter gameplay of previous titles that made the series as popular as it was.
- Director
Simulated Major General John Terrence Clark a.k.a. Rainbow Six (ex-SEAL, CIA, formerly known as John Terrence Kelly)
- Deputy Director
- Team Rainbow
Team Leader - Domingo "Ding" Chavez (ex-Light Infantry, CIA)
Sniper - Dieter Weber (GSG 9)
Eddie Price (SAS)
Louis Loiselle (DGSE)
Renee Raymond (Delta)
Ayana Yacoby (Mossad, Sayeret Mat'kal
Roger McAllen (JTF-2)
Jamal Murad
Pak Suo-Won
Annika Lofquist
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